how it works
account set-up

What Are Administrators?

Administrative Ease

Your administrators manage the portal and facilitate the weekly trainings for your employees. They also have the ability to easily track employee training status in real time. 

Setting Up Admins

Adding Administrators Is Simple!

Adding additional Administrators that can train your employees is simple! From your Dashboard inside the Portal, click on “View and Edit Administrators” under “Actions” on the left side of your screen. From there, click on “Add Administrator”.

Setting Up Users

Admins add Users

From your Dashboard inside the Portal, click on “Import Student Data” there you can paste an excel spreadsheet with a list of student names and e-mail addresses. If you do not have a spreadsheet No problem! You can also easily manually input employee names and e-mail addresses to add them into the system.

Note: users can still be added without email address for group training.

Who Are The Users


Users are the employees within your company that are going to be trained with our 5 Minute Mondays Video Podcasts with no usernames or passwords. “Direct Delivery” Users simply open an e-mail and watch our video podcasts in full. After the podcast is watched in full, they are automatically documented into an OSHA compliant training record.